Instructor (JHU)

HEART Course: Statistics and Data Science with Networks (Fall 2022)

553.283 Introduction to R (Intersession 2022)

HEART Course: Statistics and Data Science with Networks (Fall 2021)

Master’s Orientation 2021

553.283 Introduction to R (Intersession 2021)

Master’s Orientation 2020

553.810 Probability and Statistics (Notes on RMT for a topics course I co-created.) (There is a mistake in the first half of these notes where I apply Weyl’s inequality to a non-Hermitian matrix, but I think the argument goes through by taking real parts.)

Master’s Orientation 2019

Master’s Orientation 2018

Teaching Assistant (JHU)

553.310 Probability and Statistics (Summer 2020)

553.310 Probability and Statistics (Summer 2019)

553.762 Nonlinear Optimization II (Spring 2019)

553.730 Statistical Theory (Fall 2018)

Grader (Wisconsin)

ActSci 655 Health Analytics (Spring 2017)

ActSci 651 Life Contingencies II (Fall 2016)

ActSci 650 Life Contingencies I (Spring 2016)